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We Offer Parole Services

The idea of parole can give hope to many people who are incarcerated. Incarceration can take large chunks of a person’s life away from them, including time with their family, time to develop career skills, and time to give back to the community. Parole allows an offender to be released to serve the rest of their sentence under community supervision. Broken Wings offers parole services nationwide. We can assist in the process and investigate if necessary to request parole consideration. Learn more about our parole services.

Modern lawyer in office

What Is Parole?

When a person is said to be on “parole,” what does that mean? When an individual is granted parole, it means that they are released from their correctional facility prior to the release date ordered at their sentencing. Instead of serving their time in a correctional facility, they are allowed to serve the remainder under close community supervision. While under parole, there are certain conditions of supervision and behavior. If the conditions and restrictions of parole are violated, the Board of Parole Commissioners may make the parolee return to a correctional facility and finish their term of incarceration.

How Does Parole Work?

When you are first approaching the idea of parole, it can be confusing and overwhelming. The process requires many forms of documentation, verification, and, ultimately, presenting the case to your state’s respective parole board. Before beginning the process of parole, you should check to see if you meet the most basic requirements of eligibility. Inmates are only eligible for parole after they have served a significant amount of their sentence. In many states most offenses require an inmate to serve one-half of their sentence before being granted parole, but there are some offenses that require an individual to serve two-thirds of their sentence first. In several state crimes such as first-degree murder, are not eligible for parole.

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How Is Parole Different From Probation?

Parole and probation serve a similar purpose in the criminal justice system, but they are very different. Probation typically occurs when someone has been convicted of an offense but not incarcerated. Probation suspends the possibility of incarceration for a period of time. On the other hand, parole is requested by individuals who are currently incarcerated.

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