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Our Arizona Based Nonprofit Organization

Donating to a nonprofit organization can make a real difference in the lives of the underprivileged and disenfranchised members of our community. The Broken Wings Club, Inc. is a donation-based nonprofit organization in Arizona. We help inmates and ex-offenders with a wide range of services, such as pursuing parole, clemency, expungements, and more. When you donate to our group, you become an ally in the fight against racial injustice and human rights abuses. Learn more about donating to The Broken Wings Club, Inc..

A young women African American lawyer lawsuit studying

We Never Charge Our Clients a Fee

As a 501(3)(C) nonprofit organization, The Broken Wings Club, Inc. never collects a fee from the individuals we help. Many of those who need our assistance are not in a position to pay for the help they desperately need. So, we are proud to offer our services at no charge. However, that does mean that we rely heavily on contributions from donors like you.

Set Up a Recurring Donation

Any donation can make a difference. We offer you the ability to make a one-time donation or set up a recurring donation. Some people prefer to make a single, lump-sum donation to our organization. Many people don’t have the means to donate large amounts at a single time. That is the benefit of recurring, monthly donations. When you do donate monthly, your impact over the course of a year can be massive. We accept donations of any size and appreciate all our donors.

Donate Now and Make a Difference!

It only takes a moment to donate, but the impact of your donation can make a lifelong difference to our clients. We are always happy to discuss donations over the phone or email. If you are interested in donating, please complete the form below. Then, a member of our organization will contact you to set up your donation. Note that we do not share donor information with any other organizations.

Donate Today

When you donate to The Broken Wings Club you become an ally for people that are incarcerated and ex-offenders. Your contribution will help end racial injustice and human rights abuses in the judicial system.

If you are interested in helping us with our work and would like to donate, please complete the form below and we will be in touch with you upon receipt to set up your donation.

Scan the QR Code Below to Donate

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