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Learn More About The Broken Wings Club, Inc.

The Broken Wings Club is a criminal justice advocacy for the incarcerated and ex-offenders. Founded in 2002, Broken Wings is a 501(3)(C) charitable organization with a strong emphasis on education, political, civic, and social issues.

Broken Wings has a proven track record of assisting ex-offenders requesting and obtaining expungements, sealing of records, processing clemencies, and pardons as well as providing resources and other miscellaneous services to our clients.

Handshake, agreement and success for married couple meeting with lawyer

Our Mission

The Broken Wings Club, Inc. aims to create a better world through social justice advocacy and personalized assistance. We have a strong emphasis on education, political advocacy, community building, and bringing social issues to light. We have a proven track record of helping ex-offenders requesting and obtaining expungements, sealing criminal records, processing clemencies, gaining pardons, and many other resources that are necessary. We never charge a fee for our services.

Our History

Our founder, Pinky Langdon, started The Broken Wings Club, Inc. in 2002 with the goal of giving a voice to the seemingly voiceless individuals in our community. Since then, she has helped countless ex-offenders and incarcerated people get just outcomes. Our organization has also networked with a wide range of people and organizations, such as South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, South Carolina Senator Lindsay Graham, The Congressional Black Caucus, 100 Black Men of Myrtle Beach, and more.

Male Public Defender Presenting Case

Over 20 Years Working in Our Community

When you need help with confusing and complicated legal processes, it’s crucial to have an experienced and compassionate advocate. Our team has been helping people in the community for over 20 years. Often, the difference between success and failure is contacting the right agencies, filling out the right forms, and presenting your case in a clear and effective manner. That’s exactly what we can help you do. While we can never promise any particular outcome in a case, we can help you maximize your chances of success.

Contact Us for Assistance Today

If you feel like you are not getting fair treatment or if you struggle to understand processes like parole, expungements, and clemency, let us help. The Broken Wings Club, Inc. is a dedicated not-for-profit organization that is proud to work on your behalf. Contact us today to see how we can help you with your situation.

Contact Us for Social Justice Advocacy Today!