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Get Other Forms of Assistance From Broken Wings

Whether you’re an ex-offender trying to establish a life in the world again or a struggling immigrant, sometimes you need help with clerical tasks like notarization, tax returns, credit repair, and immigration. Broken Wings offers these other forms of assistance nationwide. Our nonprofit organization strives to help struggling members of the community put their best foot forward and set themselves up for a successful future. Learn more about the miscellaneous forms of assistance we offer, you don’t have to be incarcerated to utilize these services.

Male Public Defender Presenting Case

How Can We Help You?

Our team offers many forms of assistance that can help you navigate life. Things like tax returns and immigration filings can be complicated, and often government agencies offer little-to-no help. When you contact us, we will work closely with you to ensure you learn how to manage these processes effectively. Below, you can find some examples of the types of assistance we offer.

Notary Services

You will need a notary at some of the most important times in your life. Notarizing is the act of verifying and authorizing legal documentation, such as witnessing signatures on a document. We have in-house notaries who can do this for you. You might need a notary for certain legal documents, like a power of attorney, incorporation memorandum, or financial documents.

Immigration Services

The immigration system is complex and confusing. For many immigrants, the technical details can act as a hurdle to acquiring visas, permanent residency, or citizenship. Broken Wings helps immigrants understand their status, options, and best course forward. You do not need to fear reaching out to us, regardless of your legal status. We will always strive to help you get the best outcome possible.

Tax Returns

Filing your tax returns is a notoriously confusing task. If you have been incarcerated for a while, it can make the process even more confusing. Let our team help you file your tax returns and understand how to do it yourself in the future. We are not financial advisors or tax consultants, but we are glad to help you work through the filing process.

Credit Repair

Your credit score will affect many important parts of your life, like getting a loan for a car or buying a house. Many of us have made mistakes in the past that reflect poorly on our credit scores. Our team can help you understand your current credit score and create a plan for repairing it over time.

Our Affiliations

Broken Wings is proud to be affiliated with other great organizations and nonprofits across the country. Some of the other groups that we regularly collaborate with include:


Contact Us for Assistance

If you are in need of any of the above-listed forms of assistance, Broken Wings is here to help. Whether you need guidance through tax returns, immigration, or credit repair, you can trust us to give you friendly and knowledgeable assistance. We are not a law firm, and we cannot guarantee any specific outcomes as a result of our assistance. Contact us today for our other forms of assistance.

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