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Clemency Assistance Services

In some cases, incarcerated individuals may receive clemency. Clemency can lessen the terms of an offender’s sentence or forgive a person for their crime altogether. Any form of clemency must be granted by the executive branch. For federal crimes, the president must issue clemency, and for state crimes, the governor must order it. Presenting your case for clemency requires careful preparation and experience. Broken Wings offers clemency assistance services nationwide. Our team helps inmates who meet certain criteria process a petition for clemency. Learn more about our clemency assistance services.

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What Are the Different Types of Clemency?

Clemency exists in three primary forms: pardons, reprieves, and commuted sentences. When you begin to pursue clemency, it is important to understand the difference. Each form of clemency offers a different type of relief, ranging from complete release to adjustments in the term of a sentence. Below, you can find a brief explanation of each type of clemency.


When someone receives a pardon from the governor or president, it acts as official forgiveness for their crime and any related penalties. While it does not remove records of the crime, and it is not considered a judgment of innocence, it does result in release. Typically, parole is granted for inmates who appear to have paid their debt to society or people who seem to have been unfairly treated or wrongfully convicted.


A reprieve can be ordered as a way to halt further action by the criminal justice system for a period of time. Reprieves are most frequently granted in cases involving the death penalty. A reprieve will order the state to postpone an execution until the individual has had time to undergo further adjudication. A reprieve often gives the inmate time to go through proceedings that may lessen their sentence or make arguments to other courts.

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Commutation of a Sentence

When a member of the executive branch looks at a case, they may find that the length of a sentence or conditions of sentencing should be adjusted. This is a case for them to commute the sentence. When a sentence is commuted, many things can be changed, including the length of sentencing and the security level of the facility in which the inmate should be placed.

Contact Us Today for Clemency Assistance Services

When appealing to the state’s governor or the nation’s president for clemency, it is crucial to present an organized and sympathetic case. Broken Wings has experience helping people file for clemency with success. We are not a law firm and cannot guarantee approval of any clemency request. Our team is passionate about helping all our clients get the fairest treatment possible. Learn more about our clemency assistance services.

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